Off Grid Solar Power Solution in Australia
The RPS off-grid solar energy solution is the complete package for your off-grid power needs. We utilise premium technology components from companies such as MorningStar, SMA and SunPower (amongst others) to achieve a low maintenance solution that will power your property in the absence of mains.
We design the system specifically by calculating the solar output required to run your avg daily consumption with the excess power generated is transferred to a specifically designed battery bank.
Years of tried and tested off-grid technology installation means we consider quality and reliability in selecting the preferred inverter/charger for converting battery power to usable AC power. Efficient solar charge controllers / inverters are used to manage effective battery charging. Our preference is for an AC coupled configuration so you can get the best efficiencies from drawing power directly to your AC switchboard with excess energy used charging your batteries.
We design your off-grid network system based on your actual power needs taking into consideration peak demand, overflow energy storage and unlikely equipment failure. Our off-grid network designs consider the use of backup generators for extra redundancy, battery storage banks and AC / DC coupling. Design options consider varying scenarios where you may want to scale in the future, have several days power redundancy or you may have infrequent high-power needs. We also offer solutions with solar only should you only require power during the day and want to minimize set up costs.
Our team of technicians spend considerable time evaluating your power and cycle requirements so that we can provide the most optimal setup for you. The system will come preprogrammed and designed for your needs ready to be installed by the RPS team or any qualified electrical contractor. We can talk through dual AC / DC config setup and its benefits in reducing energy losses through battery charging versus generator back-up.
Our off-grid solar power solutions have been specifically designed to be expandable with the ability to add more solar panels and batteries should your power needs change. We offer full system monitoring allowing you to check on the health of your off-grid solution through one convenient User Interface that monitors battery levels, charge status and power usage. To install off grid solar power solution in your remote property in Australia, get in touch with our Remote Power Solutions team.
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Remote Power Solutions delivers sustainable solutions to remote areas of Australia. Please explore our website to find a solution or product that will enhance your operational functionality or explore more about our services within your industry sector.