
RPS Services

Innovative Remote Monitoring and Control Solutions in Australia

Think of all the things you need to monitor on your property every single day. Crops, livestock, irrigation, machinery, security… It can be a time-consuming process to manage every aspect of your farm.

But what if you had remote management and monitoring solutions at your fingertips? The RPS platform provides real-time remote monitoring and control functionality, giving you remote access via a network of smart farming technology and mobile devices.

This enables you to plug in devices either pre-configured or add new IoT sensor equipment and basic devices irrespective of connectivity type. We also provide remote monitoring and control design as a service where you may want to implement more complex automation based on multiple sensors.

What can you monitor?

Our remote monitoring platform allows you to monitor your farm and resources, including:

Revolutionise the way you farm with remote monitoring

Remote monitoring and smart farming address the challenges facing today’s farmers. It can be difficult to navigate the unique issues your property faces, such as maintaining equipment and machinery, reducing resource waste, keeping track of livestock conditions, and ensuring everything is running smoothly.

Our remote monitoring solutions allow remote management of this all at once, in real time. Identify potential problems and adjust quickly without having to be onsite, freeing you up for other business tasks.

Monitor your crops, livestock, weather conditions, soil conditions, and resources on a single platform, making your farm more productive and efficient.

Find your perfect remote monitoring solution

It is important to plan the integration of devices depending on how you want to monitor, control and automate. Effective planning of equipment integration provides significant benefits to the next stage which involves automation engineering – and we can help with that.

We work with you to understand how you want to run your operation, utilising your equipment to plan the data flow accordingly. The design process for remote monitoring and control design ensures all hardware is set up in the best possible location to collect all relevant remote monitoring data that will be used in decision-based automation. Even the most complex networks, simplified.

We involve our customers in the design phase to ensure the best outcome to save you time and improve the utilisation of equipment, staff, and scarce resources.

Why RPS?

We have considerable experience in designing automated solutions that often involve data outputs from multiple pieces of equipment.

Our team works with you to detail the hierarchy of decision outputs from monitored devices to build specific functionality into the decision model which forms the basis of control automation. Our standard user interface allows access to change parameters that you want control over for each preprogrammed decision which can be managed from anywhere you have an internet connection.

We have the support of a talented team of mechatronics, electrical, and design engineers, allowing us to meet a varied range of customer requirements. We’ll remove the barriers you encounter and improve your business in a world of constantly changing technology.

Talk to the team at Remote Power Solutions to know more about our innovative control and monitoring design solutions.

We are your remote power solutions partner!

Remote Power Solutions delivers sustainable solutions to remote areas of Australia. Please explore our website to find a solution or product that will enhance your operational functionality or explore more about our services within your industry sector.